"Self-love is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting"

-William Shakespeare

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Weight Loss and Willpower

So, at the bottom of the page, you can now see my weight loss progress. Since my total commitment to losing weight, one week ago, I've lost 1.4 pounds.

I have learned that according to BMI standards, I am officially overweight. Granted, I only need to lose 2.4 more pounds to get back into the normal range, but still, it gives one pause.

I won a major battle with myself tonight. I had 880 calories left for the day, and I really wanted french fries, and a grinder. But, after thinking about how good it feels to see the numbers go down on the scale, I had a healthy dinner instead. I have 302 calories left for the day. Perhaps some (carefully measured) low-fat ice cream?

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