"Self-love is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting"

-William Shakespeare

The Best Way To Shop

Shop through igive to support the New Repertory Theatre! Here's how it works: shop your (and my!) favorite websites by clicking through igive, or install the igive shopping window on your computer. The retailer will give a percentage of your sale to The New Repertory Theatre. What's in it for you? Besides supporting a great cause, you get access to special shopping deals!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Website Review: The Daily Plate

So, I've chunked up a little over the past few months. The truth is, I've been very busy at work, and haven't been thinking about what I eat. The jeans are getting a little tight!

But, I found this fabulous new website. You enter in yours stats (age, height, weight and activity level), and your goal (I chose to lose 1 lb. a week.) Then, every day you enter in what you eat and any exercising you do, and presto! It tracks how many calories you may eat each day to reach your goal.

I started it on Wednesday, and so far it's been really easy and has kept me eating right. I finally bought a scale last night. I'm not going to tell you what my weight is, but I will update on if I've lost weight.

Wish me luck!

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