"Self-love is not so vile a sin as self-neglecting"

-William Shakespeare

The Best Way To Shop

Shop through igive to support the New Repertory Theatre! Here's how it works: shop your (and my!) favorite websites by clicking through igive, or install the igive shopping window on your computer. The retailer will give a percentage of your sale to The New Repertory Theatre. What's in it for you? Besides supporting a great cause, you get access to special shopping deals!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Then I Bought These Shoes, Now I'm a Believer

If you get the bliss catalog, then you've seen the MBT shoes. I've been both intrigued and skeptical of these shoes that are claimed to increase muscle tone, burn more calories, improve posture and balance, fight cellulite and varicose veins, and overall kick butt!

Now, I do tend to trust bliss. They really do carefully edit what they sell, but these sounded a little too good to be true. Besides, I won't lie-they are pricey.

So, bliss sent me an email that select styles were on sale. I broke down. I chose the cute ones...

I ordered them on Tuesday, and they were delivered on Wednesday. (bliss customer service deserves a post of it's own. I chose the free standard shipping, and got them in less than 24 hours!)

I wore them around the house on Wednesday, and wore them in earnest Thursday (I wore them for my commute to work, and changed into dress shoes when I got there). By the time I got to the bus stop, I already felt my calves working! All day at work, even after I had changed shoes, I felt that my posture was better. I wore them home too, and around the house while I was doing a general clean-up. You know, doing the dishes, taking out the trash.

That night, my legs felt worked in way I had felt since I was a competitive rider. (horses, not bikes). I am so excited about these shoes! I may just add a few other MBT designs to my wish list.

The sale is still on. I highly recommend snatching up a pair before they go!

Retail: $159-$270 (depending on if you find a sale, what model, and where)

Rating: 5 plus lipsticks!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Body Shop Almond Oil Conditioning Hand Wash

This is a fantastic hand wash. Is is very softening and does not strip skin at all. A must for winter!
Retail: $12.00
Rating: 5 lipsticks

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Ladylipstick's Totally Vain New Year's Resolutions!

I don't usually make resolutions, but I've got some this year. In no particular order, my resolutions, with notes and some pats on the back for already starting on some of them!

  • I will keep my drawers and closet better organized. I have already re-orged the closet, and 50 % of the drawers.
  • I will keep my shoes better organized. I've ordered two shoe organizers from Target.com.
  • I will recognize that haircolor is a privilege and not a right. I will not abuse that privilege by letting my roots grow out.
  • I will stop picking at dry cuticles. To this end, I will keep my hands from getting dry by wearing gloves outside when it is cold, rubber gloves when cleaning, and applying hand cream every time I wash my hands, and at other times throughout the day.
  • I will remove my rings before applying said hand cream.
  • I will flatten my lumpy stomach. Phase one is upping the fat-burning. Phase two is toning.
  • I will develop a yoga butt.

There you have it. Happy New Year!